Honduras La Bendicion

$9.50 USD$13.75 USD
Origin: Honduras
Farm: La Bendicion - Edgar Giron
Process: Honey
Elevation: 1800m
Varietal: IHCAFE 90, Lempira

A note from our coffee source:

"Finca La Bendicion is located in Belen Gualcho, Ocotepeque, Honduras and run by Edgar Giron. The farm sits at an elevation of approximately 1,800 m.a.s.l and consists of a total of 4.1 Hectares in production, with a mix of IHCAFE 90 and Lempira varieties. Edgar originally (and still does) raised livestock, a business he inherited from his father. It wasn’t until 2007, that he planted his first plot of coffee, originally just IHCAFE 90. Since then, Edgar has produced various micro-lot quality coffees over the years, having participated in various contests and even placed 7th place at IHCAFE’s Coffee Fest (IHCAFE is the governmental organization that oversees all things related to coffee in the country, similar to the FNC in Colombia)."

"Over the past several years, the government has implemented several changes that affected small-holder farmers, most notably directed towards reducing waste by those surrounded by reserves or protected areas. As such, Edgar joined CAFESCOR in 2014, where he delivers his coffee in cherry. Through the organization, he not only receives technical assistance, but also assistance in helping him find new markets for his coffees. In addition to coffee, Edgar also has numerous shade and fruit trees, such as: Silky Oak, Guamo and Plum Trees. This honey processed lot is made up both IHCAFE 90 and Lempira varieties and was processed at CAFESCOR’s Central Wet-Mill. This is our second year working with Edgar (4th year with CAFESCOR) and we are very much looking forward to future harvests!"